Friday, December 29, 2006


Well its come to that time of year where we're all expected to make a resolution that is impossible to keep!

How many times have we resolved to stop smoking, stop swearing, lose weight, blah blah blah! The list of things we're going to do, or as we say in Yorkshire, gunnado, are endless and usually fruitless.

In Yorkshire too, we refer to people who are constantly talking of changing things as 'gunnado's', they rarely achieve what they talk of, so are in a state of constant resolve, how unhappy they must be. To constantly fail, how depressing!

How many of us have decided that we're going to join a gym, then had £80 each month deducted from our bank accounts for January, February and March before we've decided to cancel the direct debit due to the fact that we've only been twice in all that time! Do any of us realise what that money could have done if donated to charity, or if we want to be selfish about it, just how many fun nights out we could have had on that!

I personally gave up on New Year resolutions some years ago, the last I made was the only one I ever managed to maintain, and that was never to make any more resolutions.

This year, its going to be different, I'm going to make some that I know I can keep. They're realistic and simple, so here goes.

In 2007, I resolve to;

Get myself out of the doldrums, laugh more, stop procrastinating and finally, but most importantly:

be a better friend

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