Now that's my joking on this topic well and truly put aside. Today I want to discuss something that is close to my heart. Its not fatties, though obesity is becoming a national obsession and a good job too, half the nation is eating itself into the grave.
I digress.
No, today I want to discuss, or rather rant about open relationships. You see I just don't get it. I can't understand why someone would choose to commit themselves to another person, but with the caveat that they're still entitled to shop around and fuck who the hell they like, when they like and where they like!
Commitment is about telling someone that you want to be with them and them only. Showing them, and the world that you love them. Now I'm no prude, far from it! I've had my moments of pure, unadulterated sluttery and thoroughly enjoyed it. And I believe there is a part of that in all of us, it's just gay men find it easier to actuate, especially as sex in fagland is so readily available! And the net has only accentuated this! As our Aussie cousins say, a root is a root, and sometimes we all have a need to let go and get own and dirty with someone we have nothing but sexual lust for. I'm all for that! But when you enter a relationship, it all needs to stop.
The thing that really cuts at the core of my principles though are those gay profiles that start "happily partnered but ..." . If you're SO happy, why is there a need to go screw someone else. Because there is one thing I can promise you! You may think you have the blessing of your partner; you're so far removed from the truth, you may as well be in Narnia! Everytime you take adavantage of the 'openess' of your relationship, you're abusing the trust and love of your partner!
Its not just my principles your cutting through, its the love and trust of somebody whose dreams you helped fulfil yet seemingly choose to slowly and painfully destroy!
You're describing a set of relationship boundaries that work for you. FWIW, those are the boundaries that work for me, too, but I know quite a few people in open relationships who make it work. I know quite a few men who are incapable of being monogamous. The important thing is for each couple to establish these boundaries honestly and mutually, and to renegotiate them from time to time if necessary. Yes, sometimes only half of a couple wants a relationship to be open, but then they have problems that need working out without our judgment.
hey James
Is it true? are you moving away?
I agree with you. Guys sometimes live with someone just for not being alone and they call it Love...
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